
Suddenly it's "chic" to be a little bit shabby ;)! My first take-on as DT member in BGC..

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Hi friends!
Guess what ?..Am too thrilled today as I made it in BGC design team,my very first exposure as a Design Team Member :D..ahh bragging too much I guess :P without  further delay,here begins one more story with the very interesting challenge ,here in our very own Beyond Grey !! And the best part is create anything ...bring any mood and rythm in your creations as long as it is inspired from this image ;) ! Aint it tempting?

Well my chosen element from the inspiration is..the adorable colour scheme and I meddled it with the very essence of blooming childhood to create a shabby vintage TAG!!

And henceforth to add a little drama..or better say to increase its shabbiness :P, I distressed and stamped my mannequin with the Kaisercraft stamp friend...and normal black ink pad ; and next instant I had an abrupt thought ...why don't I give the same effect to the fence too ! Vintage effect...believe me am too addicted to it ^_^.Here is a quick snap of how it looked then:

And here is my take on it:

Craft supplies used:

Fence and Mannequin:chipboard from my stash stamped out and distressed
The vintage frock:Satin cloth,organdy ribbon to beautify,handmade ribbon flowers,I love collecting the supplies...But recently I realized my stash has grown into a real big heap and needs serious attention !
Pielane silk paper ,Sola wood for the handmade flowers
Coloured beads(stash again)
Hand-drawn butterflies
and hand-written sentiment

A more closer view :

Do let me know what you think about my creation and inspiration element....So guys ...put on your talented crafting caps , bang on with your majestic creation...and amaze us ;) !

Submitting it onto:

creativecraftcottage-challenge-4-things-with-bling(used gems-blings in flower arrangement))

Bipasha K.

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


  1. I Love your card. The mannequin is so great and I love how you added the "frock". Its a perfect fit as are all your embellies. Thanks for joining us at Craft-Dee BowZ Challenge this month, HUGS, Barbara CDB DT

  2. What a lovely project! Love the colors1 Thanks for playing with IBS!

  3. So very pretty! Love the pearls and the blue you used is gorgeous! Thank you for joining us at IBS!

  4. Love your color combination and all the wonderful layering! Thanks for joining the July Craft-Dee BowZ challenge!

  5. LOVE the colors you used! That flower arrangement is beautiful! Thanks for joining in with IBS!

  6. Hand drawn butterflies? are you seriously kidding me? that is amazing!! I love love your handwriting! superb!

    1. Yup they are handmade ! :)I took some photopaper and cut some butterfies' shapes out of it.Then I coloured it with watercolours and outlined with a black pen.

  7. What a pretty scene you've created, and congrats on your first gig as a DT member!

    Thank you for joining us at Inspired By Stamping!

  8. Stunning really love it. Would love you to take part in our challenge sometime if you are up for it over at Creative Craft Cottage.

    1. Always an honour ! :) Took part in both of your challenges Eileen..thank you so much for your kind appreciation & encouragement !

    2. Always an honor Eileen..:) ! Thanks for your kind appreciation and encouragement. Have added my craftwork to both :letscreatechallenges-challenge-73-tags;creativecraftcottage-challenge-4-things-with-bling

      Fingers crossed ;) !!

  9. Now thats really some great appreciation from a quilling maestro ;),thanks dear !

  10. Oh my that is one gorgeous creation, I love the detail across the bottom.

  11. This is an absolutely enchanting card. Very beautifully crafted indeed.

  12. Its an honour and my utmost pleasure Brenda,blue and rusty vintage look are my fav kind too ;)

